Special Membership Meeting of July 12, 2003
The members of the Bahia Bay Property Owners' Association overwhelmingly approved the funds requested to repair bulkheads and to establish an emergency fund for future bulkhead and channel repairs. The following measures were approved:
- BBPOA will continue to be responsible for bulkhead repair.
- A "Special Assessment" of $200.00 will be levied August 1, 2003 to cover cap replacement on approximately 200 feet of the bulkheadand repair approximately 100 feet of washouts.
- Annual Maintenance Charge (Dues) was increased as follows:
- a. IDENTIFIED Bulkhead Work (Three-year Plan)-$ 300.00 (NOTE)
- b. EMERGENCY Bulkhead Fund-$ 130.00 (NOTE)
- c. DUES TO COVER Operating Expenses-$ 170.00
- d. Total of $ 600.00
- The annual maintenance charge will revert to $300.00 for the year 2007, unless changes are voted by the membership in the future. (Covenant Amendment filed in Aransas County on August 8, 2003 as required by law.)
The members also agreed to form a committee to further develop plans for upgrading the entrance to the subdivision, and to prepare a proposal for presentation at the February meeting.
NOTE: These funds will be placed in a "Canal Fund" dedicated to bulkhead and channel maintenance.