January 7, 2009 BBPOA Board Minutes
Don Hennigan
Steve Warrick
Mike Wulf
Dorothy McAbee
Sam Kenny
Maylene Moore
Called to order 4:08
Minutes from September meeting accepted as written
Old Business
- Need someone to weed front area was discussed. Will try to find someone who can be contracted to take care of weeds as needed.
- Credit card charges on Larry Reed’s card for our website were not found. Future charges have been transferred to Dorothy’s card.
New Business
- Annexation discussion. Don and Dorothy reported on Sunday’s meeting at the Crab N. Aransas Pass will continue their plans to annex all land south of 188. City by the Sea is planning to fight it. Rockport ETJ crosses Bahia Bay and water service is provided from Rockport. Impact of Aransas Pass annexation plans unknown. Agreed to watch and see.
- Sam resigned her secretary/director’s position after working for four BBPOA Presidents. Maylene Moore was unanimously appointed to fill Sam’s 1 year term.
- Discussion of house plans for 209 Windjammer to not complete the downstairs but upstairs and outside will be finished. ACC had no problem with it nor did the Board.
- Bulkhead discussion. Don wishes to resign as chairmen of the bulkhead committee after doing a fine job. He will assist in the transition to new chairman/men. Maylene brought details about Plano Construction Company that repairs bulkheads. Our other company has retired and gone out of business. Don will contact this company and turn that info over to new chairmen. Possible replacements will be contacted by Mike and Steve.
- Agenda for annual meeting will be similar to last year’s. Ballots for the one directorship will be given to all owners and their proxies at the meeting.
- Rick Johnson will be the Board’s nomination.
- Directory. Some contact information in our database is not current. Dorothy suggested contact information be placed on the directory with a request that owners verify all their information and provide corrections. Also will request that if property is a rental that a management contact be provided.
- Deed restriction violations for 403 Captain’s Cove were discussed. A letter will asking attention to the issues.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00