Board Meeting April 4, 2008
Attendees: Don Hennigan, Mike Wulf, Steve Warrick, Dorothy McAbee, Sam Kenny
Call to Order 8:00
I. Approved limited minutes from Board meeting right after annual meeting that pertained to the election of officers.
Mike Wulf = Treasurer; Steve Warrick=Vice President
II. Front Entrance – Discussion. Steve and Mike reviewed landscaping that had been done. Response to the project has been positive from residents and others. Grass on the mounds and more color is to be added in the near future. The landscape committee is in agreement that vine and trash clearing would help the tree area. A consulting naturalist at the committee’s meeting said if the trees weren’t cleared of vines they would die. Once cleared bird friendly plants would be added. The power company has been called four times, each time promising to clear their lines but no response. It was agreed to reimburse Tom Burkenkotter $12.00 for his expenses in hauling trash and brush to the dump.
III. Treasurer’s report – Vanguard $39,519.20 + Cash operating funds $17,850.00+ Cash canal fund $13,650
IV. Flag pole discussion- Pole is in desperate need of repair. A crane will be needed to take it down, repair it, and paint it. No immediate plans for that were made. It was approved to pay BBW Promotions for new replacement flags. They can get us the best deal.
V. Lands End/Estes Drive - Turn around needed on Lands End and Estes Drive. Large trucks have hit the road sign and others have had to be pulled out by wreckers. Don Hennigan will ask Commissioner Oscar Pena to put in a culvert and/or pullout so trucks and cars can turn around when they discover there is no outlet. We also need a culvert across from 310 Lands End. Gravel is filling the ditch. We also need a no outlet or dead end sign. Don will ask Oscar about all of this.
VI. Bulkheads – no major problems. Several caps need repairing and the Siegel lot has a large hole behind the bulkhead. We are waiting to hear from either of two firms Smart Dock or Marcus.
VII. Water Quality - The board directed George Kelly to process water samples four times a year – March, July, September, and December. Water will be sampled now for the March test. The results will be posted on the BBPO website which is maintained and is being redesigned by Dorothy. George was asked to find out who we contact at the Health Dept should the tests not be satisfactory.
VIII. Tax Exempt status was discussed. Some felt it had to be based on social/charitable issues. Others were unsure. Sam was to check with Michelle.
IX. Covenant Committee: Following up discussion at the annual meeting, the Board voted to dissolve the Covenant Committee. Appropriate actions will be handled by the Board.
Adjourned at 9:05