Board Meeting March 20, 2006 9:00
I. Discussion with Bill Walston about Robertson's contract to build subdivision on Windjammer. It was decided to that Bill Walston would send by Wednesday, a simpler statement of the agreed facts in this proposal to Robertson's attorney. Then with acceptance of that we will proceed to having the plat and covenants registered with the county and the signing of his more detailed yet somewhat nebulous agreement. B.J. added that Robertson's deed restrictions looked pretty sound except the requirement for concrete driveways had been excluded. It was moved, seconded, and approved for Mr. Walston to request that that be included in their covenants.
II. Moved, seconded, and approved to appoint Larry Moore to fill the directorship vacated by the resignation of Larry Reed.
III. Moved, seconded, and approved to hire Mike Arnold, CPA, to keep on Bahia Bay's financial books for $100 per month. We have been paying $900 per year just for an audit. This move will put us and keep us legally correct in all our business dealings.
IV. Discussed assessment of Bahia Bay II lots. It was moved, seconded, and approved to charge $125 per lot to be paid upon completion of home or transfer of title.
V. Certified letter to be sent to homeowner with trailer parked breaking the deed restrictions. Warning that it will be towed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15