Called to order: 9:00
Randy Chandler reported to board that committee is trying to revise covenants to reflect a mature community. He stated he spent over an hour discussing the covenants and incorporation status with Mr. Walston, our attorney. Mr. Walston gave him a number to contact in the Secretary of States office to check on our incorporation. Randy promised a written plan of covenant changes would be available to Sam to be put in annual meeting packet. Board thanked Randy for his input. He added that there would be a Covenant Committee meeting after the annual meeting for owners’ input.
Ray urged that a needed change is that the Architectural Control Committee needs to report to the board especially if a variance is involved. Also, there was discussion about their appointment/election and possible rotation of three-year terms.
Jim Remitz asked that our lawn person not mow the front area until after the Bluebonnets that Jim planted grow, bloom, and go to seed.
Board discussed a recommendation to fill the director vacancy. It was agreed to have three names on recommended ballot.
Discussion of broken lights and cell by front entrance. Ray said he would contact an electrician to repair it.
Discussion of deed restriction violations of trailers both boat and utility. Three residents will receive letters from the board instructing them to follow the guidelines about storage of trailers.
Meeting adjourned 10:00