Board Meeting November 10, 2005
Discussion of Windjammer development
President Ray Herrod gave a brief history of negotiations with developer Gene Robertson. Bahia Bay owns a one-foot easement along Windjammer. Gene Robertson has bought this 34-acre track and wants to develop it into seventeen ½ acre lots for nice residential homes. They would have to be stick homes due to the lower elevation of the land. He needs the easement to continue his development, as it is platted. His original proposal was to be included under Bahia Bay's covenants and architectural control committee. Later, he proposed the same deed restrictions as presented but without any control from Bahia Bay. The Board sent a counter proposal to our lawyer. We want those submitted deed restrictions registered with the county and if they are ever subject to change, the Board must agree to those changes. His lawyer and our lawyer are working out the contractual details. There was a speaker- phone conversation with our lawyer discussing important points. Future meeting will be with all sides concerned. A vote of the property owners about this issue will be held before or at the annual meeting depending on the lawyers' progress. The Board feels that this is in our neighborhood's best interest to maintain quality property around us.
Discussion of recent variances:
Strong views on both sides of this issue were expressed but a controlled compromise is in the works. B.J. and Norm are in agreement that the board must approve any future variances that break the covenants. Dr. Chandler has contacted Ray and wants to head the committee to rewrite the covenants. Some board members were hesitant to do this since it was done not very long ago. Those in favor explained it wouldn't be a massive rewrite but "tweaking" them in some areas. A committee was appointed with Ruben, Don, and Norm agreeing to be on it. They were to meet Saturday, Nov. 12.
Don Hennigan gave a thorough report on bulkhead repair. The crew reinforcing them is doing an excellent job and staying on budget. They are finding that most were very much in need of repair and it has been money well spent.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10.
Submitted by "Sam" Kenny
Secretary BBPOA