Discussion of agreement with Gene Robertson concerning release of Bahia Bay’s one foot easement on Windjammer in exchange for “his” subdivision being under our deed restrictions and Architectural Control Committee as agreed upon in the July board meeting upon approval by our lawyer. Mr. Robertson has since changed his mind and wants to have his own deed restrictions and architectural control. Board refused and took a compromise to our lawyer. Deed restrictions as submitted will be filed with the County and if that subdivision ever wants to change them, our Board must pass them.
Discussion of recent variances that were given to two property owners for shade covers on their west side. Agreed to ask Architectural Control Committee to attend next board meeting so opinions could be shared more openly. Possible compromise to be shown to lawyer was the board must approve any variance that breaks a covenant
Meeting adjourned with understanding that a timely meeting would take place with Committee chairmen/members and board to discuss the two compromises submitted to the lawyer.
Meeting adjourned 10:15