June 17, 2005
Meeting of board of directors
Bahia on Bay Property Owners Association.
Meeting was called to discuss methods of repairing the bulkheads, and reimbursement of property owners expenses.
The following members were in attendance:
Ray Herod
Jim Remitz
Larry Reed
Ruben Corkill
Don Hennigan _ Bulkhead committee chairman
Don Hennigan presented a report and proposed a plan for using a method referred to as the "Pump and Squeeze" method for leveling some of the bulkheads. The board agreed unanimously that this method could be used for most of the repairs because it was less costly, required less time, and in most cases required less re-work of existing walkways, etc.. Each repair job will be looked at to determine if this is the best approach.
Don Hennigan also presented a list of property owners who have paid for some repairs that are the responsibility of the Property owners association. A motion was made by Larry Reed and seconded by Ray Herod and carried unanimously to reimburse the property owners for the following amounts:
Edward Emery $2,500.00
Warren Michaels $2,500.00
Gene Hileman $1,750.00
Gary McAbee $1,750.00
George Kelly $1,750.00
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes taken by Larry W Reed in absence of our secretary