BBPOA Board Meeting Minutes 1/26/05
Called to order 12:25
Attendees: JimRemitz, Ray Herrod, Ruben Corkill, Don Henningan, B. J. Thomas, Larry Reed, and Sam Kenny
Sign for annual meeting will be updated and hung by Ray Herrod
Architectural report - B.J. Thomas
3 houses Micheals - 304 Square Rigger, Hahn - 308 Sierra Sound, Patrick - withdrew and sold lot
5 modifications
3 fences
9 boatlifts and docks
Bulkhead report - Don Henningan
Bulkhead safety and structural integrity are the two main goals of committee. Three bulkheads were repaired this year - 103, 107, and 201 Windjammer. Don led discussion of bulkhead repair including importance of fill dirt behind the repairs. Fill dirt is the owner's responsibility and is critical to preventing erosion behind the bulkhead. This is needed only on vacant lots. Any work done on bulkheads should be coordinated with the bulkhead committee. Eight hundred sacks of concrete were also installed to strengthen existing bulkheads especially on corners. Residents Michaels and Emery need to be paid for their personal work on bulkheads. Engineering firm will be contracted to perform an assess survey of the bulkheads every other year. The last one was done April 21, 2002.
Ray Herrod led discussion of ownership, restrictions, and fees that could or should be decided concerning lots on the south side of Lands End.
Beautification report: Eddie Santos to trim palm trees. Solomon Camacho to remove grass in canal. The grass mowing company needs to cut the grass one foot on the bay side of Ocean Drive. Mailboxes are being obstructed.
Discussion of upcoming election at annual meeting was discussed.
Board nominees are:
Jim Remitz - 1 year Director
Ray Herrod - 2 year Director
Ruben Corkill - 3 year Director
If the bylaw amendment passes two more directors will be nominated:
Larry Reed - Treasurer - 3 year
"Sam" Kenny - Secretary - 2 year
Also, nominations will be accepted from the floor. Ray Herrod wished to encourage all residents to become involved with their homeowners' association.
Adjourned at 2:10