BBPOA Board Meeting – December 13, 2004
Call to Order:
President Jim Remitz called the meeting to order at 2:20 p.m. Those present were:
Jim Remitz – President
Ray Herrod – Vice President (Conference call)
Ruben Corkill – Director (To be appointed)
Sheryl “Sam” Kenny – Secretary (To be appointed)
Don Harrington – Chairman of Bulkhead Committee
Reading of the Minutes
Ray Herrod motioned to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Jim seconded it. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
It was reported that Larry Reed said the requested audit would be completed by the end of the year.
New Business
Ray motioned to appoint Ruben Corkill to fill Stan Kerpoe’s term as director. Stan had resigned. Jim seconded it. Motion carried
Ray motioned to appoint “Sam” Kenny as secretary. Juanda Hartwell had resigned. Ruben and Jim seconded it. Motion carried.
Canal cleaning was discussed and Larry had told Jim that he would negotiate a new deal with a company that is more reliable. Ray will find a palm tree trimmer in conjunction with the canal cleaner. A company or individual will be hired by the February meeting
Don Harrington reported on bulkhead repair. The work is almost complete on all three lots that were designated to be repaired. The concrete bagging project will be finished by the February meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:00.