Jim Remitz called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Those present were:
Jim Remitz - President
Stan Kerpoe - Vice President
Ray Herrod - Director
Margie Davis - Treasurer
Juanda Hartwell - Secretary
Johnny Miller - Chairman of Bulkhead Committee
Farrel Beck - Chairman of Water Quality Control Committee
Jim Remitz made a motion to waive the formalities of reading the minutes. The minutes were accepted as written.
Johnny Miller, the new committee chairman of the bulkhead committee, reported that he has reviewed the information he was given with regard to the bulkheads. He was unable to find a contract for the work that was scheduled on Windjammer. He called Marcus and met with him. Marcus prepared a contract for this work. Johnny also told the board that Marcus told him his general liability insurance expires at the end of this month. He will not be renewing this due to the increase in premium. There was some discussion regarding the risk of using a contractor that is not insured. Marcus told Johnny that he requires his workers to sign a waiver.
Stan made a motion that Johnny get bids from other contractors that are insured. Ray seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Johnny presented a letter signed by at least 10% of the members requesting a Special Meeting. This letter is in accordance with the required amount needed to call a special meeting. The meeting is being called to vote on two proposals.
1. Change the Annual Maintenance Dues to $120.00
2. A one time special assessment of $200.00
The Board stated that the members should be given a summary of what we are voting on, and send this out with the notification of the meeting to all members. The Board also decided to set the meeting as close to July 7, 2004 as possible. Juanda agreed to take care of making the arrangements for the meeting.
Farrel Beck reported that he plans to take the water samples next week. Due to all of the rain it was decided to wait until the water has settled down. Farrel said he wanted to take 10 samples. Ray made motion to accept Farrel's plan to take 10 samples, Jim seconded the motion, motion carried.
Johnny Miller and Farrel Beck left the meeting at this point.
Stan brought up the matter of allowing the Secretary and Treasurer a vote. Margie, Ray and Jim said they want to wait until the next annual meeting in February.
Jim Remitz said he received a letter of resignation from Merlin Hartdegen. Everyone agreed that Merlin has done a good job as chairman of the Architectural Control Committee. Thank You Merlin for a job well done. Merlin served 3 ½ years as chairman of this committee.
The Board agreed to find someone to serve on this committee and then allow the Committee to choose the Chairman.
Jim Remitz said that Lane Poteet and Merlin had looked at the plans for David & Cynthia Patrick's house located at 208 Sandy Cove, everything appears to be in compliance.
Margie gave the treasurers report. Juanda made motion to accept the Treasurers report as read. Ray seconded, motion carried.
Jim called for new business.
Stan asked if we could consider changing the rules for tenure and install term limits for the committees. Jim and Ray said they want to wait and address this at the February meeting.
Juanda Hartwell reported that she had bid for mowing from Holly King. The bid is lower than we are currently paying. Holly bid $250 per mowing. The Board agreed to give the contract to Holly King. Juanda agreed to call Holly when we want to mow.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding the drainage problem on Lands End and Estes. It was suggested that the culvert be cleaned out and perhaps that will help. The county will come in and dig out the ditch, however they want an easement of 1 foot from both the association and the property owner on the other side of the street. It was not decided what affect this will have on out right to keep the county or any one from opening that up for traffic to pass through, There was a ditch dug out to relieve some of the flooding from the field on the other side of the street. (This was done by the property owner.) Ray said it appears she used about eight inches of our property to drain. Ray and Margie were to check the property line.
Stan said he has noticed that some of the homeowners do not keep their lights on at night. It was decided that Stan will get a list of the property owners that are not in compliance and we will send a letter out to call this to their attention. These lights would help an emergency unit find someone who is in distress. It also helps make out neighborhood safer, since we do not have street lights.
The meeting was adjourned.